Wednesday, May 6, 2020

George Bush as a Machiavellian Leader Essay - 1428 Words

George Bush as a Machiavellian Leader George Bush and Niccolo Machiavelli are two very influential political figures that share some similar ideals. Machiavellis work was never intended to be applied to republics, or a democratic government. The advice written in The Prince would have likely been applied in the time of absolute government, when countries were ruled by one leader. It is a work which, as Machiavelli himself says that his philosophy is only applied to principalities, or what we call dictatorships in modern times. Elected from the state of Texas, George Bush is a strictly right-winged conservative. When he was governor, Bush showed no clemency for the death row inmates which resulted in a record number of†¦show more content†¦And in case you missed the message, Russia has also agreed to supply advanced surface-to-air missiles to Syria, the latest focus of U.S. ire in the Middle East — again in defiance of Washingtons stated wishes (Karon).† Presently, the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, India, and China have or can develop devastating nuclear bombs. Nuclear bombs can cause unfathomable destruction of land and people. North Korea and Iran, the two very radical countries appear to be on the verge of making nuclear bombs. Mr. Bush on his recent trip to Europe tried to rally support from major leaders to stop selling nuclear material and secrets to these two states. His opposition of nuclear energy in the hands of dictators is for the common good of America and other countries. It may not be fair or equitable to keep the nuclear energy away from a certain group or state, but the result is focused mainly on the security for the rest of the world. Machiavelli also wrote how to govern dominions that are being occupied by people that live under their own laws and values. His first edict reflects the Bush Administration’s actions and decisions on how to spread democracy in Iraq: â€Å"When those states which have been acquired are accustomed to live at liberty under their own laws, there are three ways of holding them. The first is to despoil them; the second is to go and live there in person; the third is toShow MoreRelatedGeorge W. Bush s President Of Texas1685 Words   |  7 PagesBorn in July 6, 1946, George W. Bush, America’s 43rd president, served in the White House office from 2001 to 2009. Before coming into the White House, he was the oldest son of former 41st U.S. President George H. W. Bush, who was also a two-term Republican governor of the state of Texas. 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